Vision/Mission Statement
We envision a world where everyone dances daily! A world in which every member of the human family freely expresses themselves while balancing care and responsibility for the whole. In such a world--the world we actually are moving toward and creating right now--Individuals and communities value and generate connection, belonging, reverence, play, learning, creativity, authenticity, service, sacredness, and a deep sense of love for and stewardship of the earth.
Our mission therefore at Skyview is to create an ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable center in the Santa Cruz Mountains offering campouts, workshops, classes, and events for the local and global community. Additionally, we provide a thriving, healthy, and balanced home for our residents who co-create community in support of the larger vision.
Welcome to Skyview!
This is the beginning of something special and we invite you to take part in as many ways as you can. Skyview was purchased in May of 2022. It's 23 acres of natural beauty in the Santa Cruz Mountains waiting to hold and nourish you. Will you join in with a vibrant community of movers as we love up this land and begin to steward and enrich it?
One way is to attend a campout, workshop, class or event. You can also volunteer on one of our work/dance party days. Plus, there are opportunities to become an intern or resident. Read below for details!

2024 Schedule

2024 Internship Program
Beginning in May of 2024 Skyview will be open to a limited number of interns who feel highly motivated to live on the land for a month or two and contribute to the birth of this special place. Interns ideally want to learn new skills while having some key skills to share already. Gardening, permaculture, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, organizing, communication skills just to name a few.
Internships will be for one month with an option to renew for a second month. Please go HERE for specific details and/or to apply now.
Interested in volunteering?
You want to help out and be involved but perhaps a month-long internship isn't right for you. How about coming up for one of our work/dance parties? It's a great opportunity for you to help out on the land with a rad bunch of other stoked volunteers. After 4 hours of sweat and getting dirty we jump in the pond, share a potluck meal, and have a sunset dance together on our outdoor dance floor beneath the redwoods. Yeah, it's pretty awesome.
Stay tuned for next scheduled volunteer opportunities!
Live here!
Right now there are a limited number of residential opportunities to live at Skyview during this magical time...the beginning of it all! We have 4 spaces available for trailers or RVs immediately. Are you excited to live here and make history with us? Here are the basics:
1) Your trailer, van, or RV is in good shape, fully self-contained, and under 30' in length.
2) You love to dance and consider it a vital part of who you are.
3) You love Nature and are happy to live a life that's in close relation to it.
4) You love our Mission/Vision Statement and accompanying Beliefs, Values, Goals & Agreements (see below).
If this might be you, then go HERE to read about the other really important stuff like rent, work hours, responsibilities, perks, group agreements, etc. You can fill out our online application if it seems like it would be a good fit and a dream come true!