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new arrivals

3 weekly dances!

All are welcome, all are at choice. Each individual takes full responsibility for their experience including their own health and safety.

Wednesday Nights in Santa Cruz, CA
Indoor dance with full sound system
and sprung wood floor
846 Front Street

7pm to 9pm
$20 cash at the door

Saturday Mornings 
in Santa Cruz, CA
Indoor dance with full sound system
and sprung wood floor
846 Front Street

11am to 1pm
$20 cash at the door

Sunday Afternoons 
in Santa Cruz, CA
Outdoor dance with
Silent Disco Headphones
Ocean View Park

3pm to 5pm
$10 cash per headset

(BILPOC Scholarships available)

** Dance Guidelines **
Be yourself, accept others.
Respect the space and everyone in it.
Yes to embodiment, creativity, and community! Please keep the dances drug/alcohol free and conversation off the dance floor!

Every BODY is unique.

All are welcome, especially People of Color, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Same-Gender Loving People, seniors, and neurodiverse. Whatever your shape, size, age, or ability you are welcome and wanted here!

Curious about the music? Listen to a sample set HERE

Curious about the music? Listen to a sample set HERE

photo N. Nelson
photo A. Orion
photo N. Nelson


  1. Have fun while staying in shape
  2. Create new friendships
  3. Enjoy more play and spontaneity in your life

  4. Studies prove dance makes you happier (fer realz)

  5. Build confidence and self-esteem

  6. Improve coordination and balance

  7. Deepen your connection with self

  8. Enhance memory and brain function (yep, studies prove this too!)

  9. Build healthy reflexes and responses to the unexpected

  10. Join a welcoming, conscious community of movers


Ecstatic Dance is a freeform movement space. Move however you wish. And you are always at choice about whether you want to dance solo or with other people.

You can expect a two-hour, DJ'd musical "journey". Music for the first 10-15 minutes is ambient and downtempo for you to arrive, warm up, and stretch as you like. The tempo begins to build gradually from there reaching a peak or catharsis in the second half of the dance. Afterwards the music comes down, softening and slowing towards the end for relaxation and rest as we conclude the dance. Listen to a sample journey HERE.

It is VERY important to me that dances feel reasonably safe and welcoming for ALL people…especially those who’ve been marginalized (LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, body type, neurodiverse, seniors). I ask everyone who comes to help me in making it so. I also ask for the willingness of traditionally marginalized people to come and dance with us as we improve and grow in this way!



once a month email with all the latest updates
plus a free download of one of my sets

© 2024 by Daniel Mollner

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