FAQ Sky Jam
How do I get there?
See complete directions at the bottom of this page. Getting there can be challenging for some. The route is paved most of the way but not the last mile which is steep and narrow in some places. Any vehicle can make it if you drive very slowly. And of course if you have a four-wheel or all-wheel drive bring that.
Do you have a refund or cancellation policy?
Yes! Cancellations will receive credit for a future campout. Note that we will not hold this event if there's a big storm and in that event everyone will get credit for a future campout.
What about masks, tests, and vaccines?
All are optional and at your own discretion.
I"m not feeling well, should I come anyway?
No, absolutely not. Stay at home and rest. We will see you at the next campout when you are well.
Can I bring my kids and are they really free?
Yes we love kids and families and we offer our full support to families by making children free.
Is there a kid's program or childcare available?
No and we are totally counting on you to take full responsibility for your children and their well being while at the campout. You commit to having your children supervised and cared for at all times.
Can I take pictures?
Photography/video by professional staff only.
Can I bring my dog, cat, goat, ferret, other non-human animal?
No, please leave ALL pets at home. Excluding bona fide service animals.
What about alchohol/substances?
This is a recreational drug and alcohol-free event. Do not bring, buy, sell, consume, or be under the influence anywhere on property. If you need an exemption for a genuine health concern please contact us at least 48 hours prior to arrival to discuss.
Are all meals included?
Yes, and by that we mean that a mostly organic, vegetarian (vegan/gf options) breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided on each full day of the campout. On the first day of camp only dinner will be served and on the last day breakfast and lunch but no dinner.
What's this "meal shift" thing and does everyone have to do it?
Yes everyone in attendance will help out with one meal during the campout. This keeps costs down and many find it to be a wonderful way to connect with others and contribute to our collective nourishment. It will all be scheduled and organized when we are all together at camp.
Can I bring and cook my own food? And can I get a discount if so?
Yes you can do your own food. No, you will still pay full price.
Can I set up a camp stove?
Yes, just use common sense and vigilant precaution to prevent fire.
Is there a fridge we can use?
No, so bring a cooler/ice chest.
How close is the nearest grocery store?
30 minutes away in Boulder Creek (along with restaurants, a hardware store, pharmacy, etc.)
Is there a restaurant on the property at Skyview?
Will there be a food vendor there?
Will I be able to use my cell phone?
Yes, there is cell phone reception. And we ask that you put devices away as much as possible during the campout.
Is there wifi?
Is there work trade available?
All work trade positions are filled.
Are there scholarships available?
If you have previously received our BILPOC scholarship you are being automatically renewed and invited back for all of 2023. No new applications are possible at this time.
Can I teach a class or DJ?
All teaching and DJing slots are filled.
Can I set up my massage table?
Yes and if charging you give 10% of what you make to our BILPOC scholarship fund.
Can I camp/sleep in my car or van?
Can I bring my RV or trailer?
Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate them at this venue.
Will any of the dancing be on dance floors or will it be on the ground?
We have a special outdoor dance floor made of high grade vinyl topped by 1" puzzle mats. We’ve used it many times to everyone's joy and satisfaction.
Are there quiet hours or quiet zones at night?
Quiet hours are form 10pm to 8am in all areas away from the dance floor and fire pit.
Are there shady./sunny spots for my tent?
There are plentiful areas of sun, shade, or a mixture of the two.
Is there good drinking water there?
Water is from a well. Everyone seems to like it. The water has passed all tests and we find it quite delicious.
Is there a pond and/or hot tub?
Yes, both.
What about bathrooms?
We have composting toilets, cold water sinks, and outdoor hot showers.
What should I bring?
Here's a list of things to consider bringing (by no means complete but should point you in the right direction):
Sleeping pad
Sleeping bag
Ear plugs
Warm Clothes
Sun hat
Camping chairs
Floor pillows
Back jack
Yoga mat
Water bottle
Tote Bag or Daypack
Your curiosity, willingness, sense of humor, ownership of your experience, and care for self and others
** NOTE the private road up to the property is a combination of dirt and pavement. It is easily traversable by all vehicles except the last mile. An all wheel drive or 4-wheel drive is preferred for that section, but not necessary. Mini coopers, Prius, and other low to the ground vehicles all have made it. Simply drive slowly and watch for oncoming vehicles as it is single lane in many places.
The property is on Skyview Road above Boulder Creek. There are no street addresses but you can still use your phone for directions. Apple maps is the only accurate one though! Simply ask for directions to "Skyview Rd, California 95006" and it will take you all the way to the bullet car. We'll have signs posted to guide you the rest of the way. Just go left at that point instead of right and then follow the signs...you're almost there! You can also enter the GPS coordinates 37°11'12.4"N 122°05'29.8"W and that gets you pretty much right to our property. Note that if you try Google for directions it will miss a very key hard left turn off Deer Creek Road onto Ramble Road so be super mindful and use these written directions below to help in that section!
Here are the written out directions given to me by the former property owners, including some local commentary:
• From Boulder Creek, head up Bear Creek Road 4.5mi to left on Deer Creek Road
• 2.1 mi to left on Ramble Road (extremely sharp left)
◦ This is about 1/3 mile past the THIRD BRIDGE
◦ Ramble is not signed, but it is a paved left, extremely sharp and steep
• 1.6 mi up Ramble (and I do mean up)
◦ First half is paved; rougher road after the halfway point
◦ You don’t need to go through any closed gates, just stay on the main road
• Left on Skyview, at the top; there’s a sign and the bullet car is un-missable
◦ Don't go up the part with all the red reflectors
◦ Road follows the ridge 0.2 miles
◦ You'll see our sign and arrow directing you to turn right onto the property
◦ Proceed to the check in tent